Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed - awarded 97 points by Cigar Journal, their 2nd highest rating ever. Explore something exceptional.
Quote from Cigar Journal Issue 2/16:
"Pure harmony: sweetness, spice, tangy notes, fruitiness … The roasted and woody aromas harmonize with the notes of fruit, the subtle sweet-ness and the pepperiness. A high-class play on the palate. Medium."
The Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed brings uncharted territories of taste, stirring the senses of those who discover them. The spice has been boosted with a fiery Esteli Ligero leaf that complements aged Jalapa, Ometepe and Condega tobaccos for a complex bitter, sweet palate stimulation.
A richer, sharper Nicaragua Oscuro wrapper then rolls the experience into a dynamic box pressed format to liberate enhanced flavours and aromas. Davidoff Nicaragua, 100% Nicaragua: the much acclaimed creation now takes the aficionado on a new, more extreme flavour journey.