
Davidoff Duocut Punch Cutter

by Davidoff Cigars

Davidoff launches its first Duocut Double Blade Punch Cutter with two blades that can be activated simultaneously — the new indispensable accessory for a memorable cigar ritual.

The German-crafted Duocut Double Blade Punch Cutter’s innovative design will enable aficionados to prepare their next cigar experience with precision and versatility and fully enjoy their favourite cigar. The Duocut has two independent razor-sharp blades to deliver a perfect cut in any ring gauge (RG). One is designed for large cigars and the smaller one for thinner cigars under 50 (RG). The wrapper is left with the cleanest edge and the draw of the cigar is effortless and balanced. 

About the double blade innovation and technology
By twisting the tip of the cutter to the right, the large blade will cut the cigars in ring gauges (RG) from 50 to 70. By twisting it to the left, the smaller blade will fit any cigar ring gauge from 40 to 50 (RG). With one single movement it is possible to access both blades while holding the cigar in the other hand.  

Learn More about the Duocut



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