Cigar Case Leather XL-2 Curing

Cigar Case Leather XL-2 Curing

Davidoff cigar cases protect your favorite cigars when you are on the move. Whatever the size or format, it is essential for your cigars to travel in an appropriate manner: protected in a carefully crafted leather-bound Davidoff cigar case to ensure storage in the best condition.

-Made in Spain with exclusively selected Davidoff soft and supple cowhide leather
-Available in two elegant colors, black and dark brown, with an innovative laser-marked technique, enabling the creation of unique and specific patterns

  • 2 cigars
  • Materials
  • Finish
  • Fittings
  • Spain
    Made In
  • Variations
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Davidoff cigar cases protect your favorite cigars when you are on the move. Whatever the size or format, it is essential for your cigars to travel in an appropriate manner: protected in a carefully crafted leather-bound Davidoff cigar case to ensure storage in the best condition.

-Made in Spain with exclusively selected Davidoff soft and supple cowhide leather
-Available in two elegant colors, black and dark brown, with an innovative laser-marked technique, enabling the creation of unique and specific patterns


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