For the Year of the Ox, Davidoff combines Italian craftsmanship with the ancestral Japanese decoration technique, to create an unprecedented pipe experience to delight aficionado.
This Davidoff Masterpiece pipe is beautifully crafted out of Italian briarwood and adorned with a "Year of the Ox" gold ring that emphasizes beautifully the contrast between the black mouthpiece and the wood grain of the pipe body. The pipe is made handcrafted in Italy by expert pipe craftsmen who had to create numerous pipes until they could select five flawless pieces. The pipe comes in an elegant black case with an incredibly smooth nappa leather pouch inside.
For the Year of the Ox, Davidoff combines Italian craftsmanship with the ancestral Japanese decoration technique, to create an unprecedented pipe experience to delight aficionado.
This Davidoff Masterpiece pipe is beautifully crafted out of Italian briarwood and adorned with a "Year of the Ox" gold ring that emphasizes beautifully the contrast between the black mouthpiece and the wood grain of the pipe body. The pipe is made handcrafted in Italy by expert pipe craftsmen who had to create numerous pipes until they could select five flawless pieces. The pipe comes in an elegant black case with an incredibly smooth nappa leather pouch inside.