The Davidoff Travel Humidor Business is the perfect accessory for travelling with cigars, as it keeps them fresh and always protected. With innovative technology at the service of your cigars, and impeccable functionality that meets modern design, this humidor offers unparalleled convenience and style. Boasting a distinguished navy blue exterior and a contrasting pattern on the inside, the humidor's classic yet modern design is inspired by contemporary fashion suit trends and is thus perfect for occasions where business attire and style are required.
The Davidoff Travel Humidor Business is the perfect accessory for travelling with cigars, as it keeps them fresh and always protected. With innovative technology at the service of your cigars, and impeccable functionality that meets modern design, this humidor offers unparalleled convenience and style. Boasting a distinguished navy blue exterior and a contrasting pattern on the inside, the humidor's classic yet modern design is inspired by contemporary fashion suit trends and is thus perfect for occasions where business attire and style are required.