Complementing the existing range of Davidoff Winston Churchill spirits glasses with their characteristic two notches to rest a cigar, this set of two comes in lead-free crystal, with finely cut facets on the rim of the glass to highlight the spirit chosen to pour. A Winston Churchill silhouette is discretely added to the bottom of the glass.
A set of spirit glasses in striking black available only in very limited quantities.
Winston Churchill «The Original Series»
Winston Churchill «The Late Hour Series»
Complementing the existing range of Davidoff Winston Churchill spirits glasses with their characteristic two notches to rest a cigar, this set of two comes in lead-free crystal, with finely cut facets on the rim of the glass to highlight the spirit chosen to pour. A Winston Churchill silhouette is discretely added to the bottom of the glass.
A set of spirit glasses in striking black available only in very limited quantities.
Winston Churchill «The Original Series»
Winston Churchill «The Late Hour Series»