The Davidoff Dominicana cigar blend is pulsing with intensity, a deep complexity and offers a heady cocktail of aromas.
The full-bodied, yet balanced blend delivers a total experience, which is totally Dominican.
The beautiful shiny and oily wrapper generates appetite to light up the Davidoff Dominicana. The first puffs pronounce notes of black pepper, oak wood and fresh spices from the aged Yamasá Visus filler tobacco. In the second third of the experience, the cigar develops a deep creaminess deriving from the Ecuadorian binder, which enhances the notes of leather and dark chocolate. At last, the cigar increases in intensity and pleases with robust dried fruit flavours, leaving a clean and long aftertaste.
The Davidoff Dominicana cigar blend is pulsing with intensity, a deep complexity and offers heady cocktail of aromas.
The cigars' taste experience reveals notes of black pepper oak wood and fresh spices in the first puffs. Then the cigar develops a deep creaminess with notes of leather and dark chocolate. At last, the cigar increases its intensity with robust dried fruit flavours leaving a long aftertaste.