In addition to exciting offerings like Nicaragua, Brazilian Escurio and Yamasá, Davidoff Master Blenders have crafted the first Davidoff Culebras Limited Edition, a unique opportunity to explore these three very diverse blends braided together in the unconventional Culebra format: The bitter sweetness of Nicaragua, the intrigue of the spicy and sweet twists and turns of Brazilian Escurio and the discovery of the bold intensity of Yamasá. The Davidoff Culebras Limited Edition is limited to 400 boxes (9600 cigars) worldwide, available exclusively at Davidoff Flagship stores.
SpecificsIn addition to exciting offerings like Nicaragua, Brazilian Escurio and Yamasá, Davidoff Master Blenders have crafted the first Davidoff Culebras Limited Edition, a unique opportunity to explore these three very diverse blends braided together in the unconventional Culebra format: The bitter sweetness of Nicaragua, the intrigue of the spicy and sweet twists and turns of Brazilian Escurio and the discovery of the bold intensity of Yamasá. The Davidoff Culebras Limited Edition is limited to 400 boxes (9600 cigars) worldwide, available exclusively at Davidoff Flagship stores.