Limited Edition
This amazing cigar presents the aficionado with an appetizing appearance, in colour, shine and oiliness.
Davidoff Yamasá begins with an immediately noticeable, spicy Nicaraguan taste. Beautiful flavours of nut, melted with spice, coffee, cedar wood, earth and black pepper notes further delight the aficionados palate.
Now, for a limited time, they are available in the distinctive Gran Torpedo format which allows you to customise the experience entirely to your own taste.
Limited Edition
This amazing cigar presents the aficionado with an appetizing appearance, in colour, shine and oiliness.
Davidoff Yamasá begins with an immediately noticeable, spicy Nicaraguan taste. Beautiful flavours of nut, melted with spice, coffee, cedar wood, earth and black pepper notes further delight the aficionados palate.
Now, for a limited time, they are available in the distinctive Gran Torpedo format which allows you to customise the experience entirely to your own taste.