Taste Experience
The Davidoff Master Selection 2012 toro cigar benefits from the beautiful Dominican summer sun that helped grow the tobacco for this blend. The Yamasá visus tobaccos in the filler were aged in Bourbon barrels and add sweetness to the notes of almonds, milky coffee and oak wood. This rare cigar stimulates the senses and fills time beautifully with medium intensity.
Story behind the cigar
Every year, the highly skilled members of Davidoff's Master Blending Competence Centre in the Dominican Republic get together to commemorate yet another anniversary of Davidoff White Band cigars. They do so by creating one special blend they then gift to themselves. Davidoff now makes a limited amount of these exclusive, very personal cigars available to its aficionados so they can taste what the Master Blenders tasted: simply the best.
Taste Experience
The Davidoff Master Selection 2012 toro cigar benefits from the beautiful Dominican summer sun that helped grow the tobacco for this blend. The Yamasá visus tobaccos in the filler were aged in Bourbon barrels and add sweetness to the notes of almonds, milky coffee and oak wood. This rare cigar stimulates the senses and fills time beautifully with medium intensity.
Story behind the cigar
Every year, the highly skilled members of Davidoff's Master Blending Competence Centre in the Dominican Republic get together to commemorate yet another anniversary of Davidoff White Band cigars. They do so by creating one special blend they then gift to themselves. Davidoff now makes a limited amount of these exclusive, very personal cigars available to its aficionados so they can taste what the Master Blenders tasted: simply the best.