Taste Experience
As you enjoy this cigar, flavours of lemon, leather, and coffee gently dance across the palate, frequently shifting yet maintaining Davidoff's signature balance. The Dominican San Vicente and Mexican Negro San Andres filler tobaccos, known for stimulating the palate’s sour and salty taste receptors, play a crucial role in delivering fresh, citrusy notes without overpowering the senses. This blend is not only unique in flavour but also in its inventive use of tobacco. It marks only the second occasion Davidoff’s Master Blenders have used Mexican filler tobacco in a cigar and the first time they have incorporated Dominican hybrid seed 98 tobacco from the Martin Garcia region, adding sweet and creamy nuances. The Ecuadorian wrapper and binder perfectly complement the flavours.
Story behind the cigar
Davidoff celebrates the Year of the Snake 2025 with a collection of products around the zodiac sign. The most valuable piece of the collection is the Masterpiece Humidor inspired by the Snake. It shows a mesmerising artwork that is the result of a powerful collaboration of two artists.
The humidor is equipped with 88 exclusive gran toro cigars that are not available anywhere else in the world apart from the 25 numbered Masterpiece Humidors. The cigar surprises aficionados with a dynamic taste profile that is quite unusual for a Davidoff cigar.
Discover The Year of the Snake Collection
Taste Experience
As you enjoy this cigar, flavours of lemon, leather, and coffee gently dance across the palate, frequently shifting yet maintaining Davidoff's signature balance. The Dominican San Vicente and Mexican Negro San Andres filler tobaccos, known for stimulating the palate’s sour and salty taste receptors, play a crucial role in delivering fresh, citrusy notes without overpowering the senses. This blend is not only unique in flavour but also in its inventive use of tobacco. It marks only the second occasion Davidoff’s Master Blenders have used Mexican filler tobacco in a cigar and the first time they have incorporated Dominican hybrid seed 98 tobacco from the Martin Garcia region, adding sweet and creamy nuances. The Ecuadorian wrapper and binder perfectly complement the flavours.
Story behind the cigar
Davidoff celebrates the Year of the Snake 2025 with a collection of products around the zodiac sign. The most valuable piece of the collection is the Masterpiece Humidor inspired by the Snake. It shows a mesmerising artwork that is the result of a powerful collaboration of two artists.
The humidor is equipped with 88 exclusive gran toro cigars that are not available anywhere else in the world apart from the 25 numbered Masterpiece Humidors. The cigar surprises aficionados with a dynamic taste profile that is quite unusual for a Davidoff cigar.
Discover The Year of the Snake Collection