Taste experience
The unmistakably sophisticated Grand Cru blend springs from only the finest leaves from the most carefully selected fields and makes for mild and lightly floral cigars with a sweet finish. Elegant and intense, Davidoff Grand Cru No. 5 presents the fullest body in the series. The short corona pleases aficionados with complexity and aroma in a shorter format.
Initially, creamy notes of oak wood complement aromas of dried fruit. In the second third, delectable hazelnuts mingle with flavours of wheat and liquorice. As the cigar comes to its close, fresh spice and dried flowers balance intensified aromas of oak wood.
Story behind the cigar
In 1946, Zino Davidoff entertained the idea to launch an innovative cigar line that was created and crafted just like Bordeaux wines. Thus, the legendary line we know as Grand Cru today was born, named in reference to the world of wine.
"...The cigar puts out decent amounts of smoke and the flavor is, to me at least, very pleasant. Lighter notes of grass and faint herbs are on the palate, while the retrohale reveals darker tones, of beans and cocoa. The taste stays the same throughout the whole length of the cigar, which some might find pretty boring, but on the other hand, the taste was pleasant and in such a small vitola, you can't really ask for much complexity. The cigar is very light and quite resistant to overheating, never getting bitter. I forgot to keep track of the time of smoking, so I can only place an estimate of about 45 minutes. Bottom line: a simple, yet very pleasant experience...."
Botl.org"...The mild small format is perfectly manufactured, burns nicely, draws well, and forms a solid ash. Sweet, fruity aromas and delicate spiciness complement each other harmoniously. Tarty, with sweet notes, delicately cedary and fruity, chocolaty in the second half. ..."
Cigar Journal
Taste experience
The unmistakably sophisticated Grand Cru blend springs from only the finest leaves from the most carefully selected fields and makes for mild and lightly floral cigars with a sweet finish. Elegant and intense, Davidoff Grand Cru No. 5 presents the fullest body in the series. The short corona pleases aficionados with complexity and aroma in a shorter format.
Initially, creamy notes of oak wood complement aromas of dried fruit. In the second third, delectable hazelnuts mingle with flavours of wheat and liquorice. As the cigar comes to its close, fresh spice and dried flowers balance intensified aromas of oak wood.
Story behind the cigar
In 1946, Zino Davidoff entertained the idea to launch an innovative cigar line that was created and crafted just like Bordeaux wines. Thus, the legendary line we know as Grand Cru today was born, named in reference to the world of wine.