Davidoff Mini Cigarillos Gold contain a blend of premium tobaccos from Indonesia, Brazil and the Caribbean, wrapped in a first-class, hand-selected Sumatran wrapper. Expertly blended by Davidoff, it is a cigarillo that delivers a concentrated moment of genuine pleasure.
Davidoff Mini Cigarillos were created in 1971 and offer all of the luxury of Davidoff cigars combined into a mini cigarillo format. Whatever they may lack in size, they more than make up for in taste. Specially selected tobaccos sourced from around the world, combined and mixed to create a range of rich, exotic blends.
Using 100% tobacco, Davidoff Mini Cigarillos please aficionados to an enjoyment time of 5 minutes.
Davidoff Mini Cigarillos Gold contain a blend of premium tobaccos from Indonesia, Brazil and the Caribbean, wrapped in a first-class, hand-selected Sumatran wrapper. Expertly blended by Davidoff, it is a cigarillo that delivers a concentrated moment of genuine pleasure.
Davidoff Mini Cigarillos were created in 1971 and offer all of the luxury of Davidoff cigars combined into a mini cigarillo format. Whatever they may lack in size, they more than make up for in taste. Specially selected tobaccos sourced from around the world, combined and mixed to create a range of rich, exotic blends.
Using 100% tobacco, Davidoff Mini Cigarillos please aficionados to an enjoyment time of 5 minutes.