Taste experience
The Davidoff Nicaragua 10th Anniversary Limited Edition treats aficionados to a full-bodied and intense taste adventure, during which especially the rum cask aged Estelí seco filler tobacco creates a depth second to none, while the tobaccos' remarkable combined age of 45 years provides a noticeable balance throughout. The gran toro initially delights with complex flavours of nuts while its Nicaraguan filler tobaccos add notes of fresh spice and leather. The spicier stimulation slowly fades as the flavours evolve towards more intense notes of oak wood, milk coffee and an intriguing eucalyptus taste. As the cigar comes to a close, black coffee and fresh herbs join the ever-present tasting flavours.
Story behind the cigar
2013 marked the introduction of the very first Davidoff cigar carrying a black band – Davidoff Nicaragua. The thus newly born Black Band Collection spoke to dynamic and adventurous aficionados looking for unknown flavours and a more intense palate stimulation. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of this milestone, Davidoff's Master Blenders intended to compose an impressive gran toro which would climb to new heights of taste. By combining well-aged tobaccos they had never blended in one cigar before, they created a taste experience of another level.
Discover the Nicaragua Lines
Taste experience
The Davidoff Nicaragua 10th Anniversary Limited Edition treats aficionados to a full-bodied and intense taste adventure, during which especially the rum cask aged Estelí seco filler tobacco creates a depth second to none, while the tobaccos' remarkable combined age of 45 years provides a noticeable balance throughout. The gran toro initially delights with complex flavours of nuts while its Nicaraguan filler tobaccos add notes of fresh spice and leather. The spicier stimulation slowly fades as the flavours evolve towards more intense notes of oak wood, milk coffee and an intriguing eucalyptus taste. As the cigar comes to a close, black coffee and fresh herbs join the ever-present tasting flavours.
Story behind the cigar
2013 marked the introduction of the very first Davidoff cigar carrying a black band – Davidoff Nicaragua. The thus newly born Black Band Collection spoke to dynamic and adventurous aficionados looking for unknown flavours and a more intense palate stimulation. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of this milestone, Davidoff's Master Blenders intended to compose an impressive gran toro which would climb to new heights of taste. By combining well-aged tobaccos they had never blended in one cigar before, they created a taste experience of another level.
Discover the Nicaragua Lines