Taste experience
Davidoff Signature 2000 is the most multifaceted cigar of the line, because the timeless corona with a slightly wider ring gauge allows for a higher percentage of Dominican Piloto tobacco. Initially, subtle notes of oak wood are enhanced by aromas of barley and toasted wheat. In the second third, smooth cream and brown sugar notes complement scents of floral spice. As the cigar comes to its close, pronounced flavours of cedar wood and dried fruit pair with notes of black pepper. Signature's typical creamy aftertaste is especially present in the 2000.
Story behind the cigar
The line known as Signature today had its beginnings already in 1968. The launch of the line's predecessor Classic revealed formats with heads finished with a pigtail – a change which caused quite a stir in the industry and which differentiated Davidoff from others. The Signature 2000 is Davidoff's bestselling cigar worldwide. Every 30 seconds, an aficionado somewhere in the world enjoys the iconic corona.
"...A healthy-looking cigar with a consistent brown wrapper and even burn. The smoke is cedary and spicy with slight leather notes and a short finish...."
Cigar Aficionado
Taste experience
Davidoff Signature 2000 is the most multifaceted cigar of the line, because the timeless corona with a slightly wider ring gauge allows for a higher percentage of Dominican Piloto tobacco. Initially, subtle notes of oak wood are enhanced by aromas of barley and toasted wheat. In the second third, smooth cream and brown sugar notes complement scents of floral spice. As the cigar comes to its close, pronounced flavours of cedar wood and dried fruit pair with notes of black pepper. Signature's typical creamy aftertaste is especially present in the 2000.
Story behind the cigar
The line known as Signature today had its beginnings already in 1968. The launch of the line's predecessor Classic revealed formats with heads finished with a pigtail – a change which caused quite a stir in the industry and which differentiated Davidoff from others. The Signature 2000 is Davidoff's bestselling cigar worldwide. Every 30 seconds, an aficionado somewhere in the world enjoys the iconic corona.