Nicaragua Box Pressed

Nicaragua Box Pressed 60x6


Nicaragua Box Pressed

Nicaragua Box Pressed 60x6

This 100% puro cigar is a more intense sweet and bitter stimulation: the flavours of current Davidoff Nicaragua cigars are developed even further; strength and spiciness are increased due to the box pressed format. It’s a more extreme Davidoff Nicaragua adventure, but just as refined and pleasant, bringing uncharted territories of taste and stirring the senses of those who discover them. The spice has been boosted with a fiery Estelí Ligero leaf that complements aged Jalapa, Ometepe and Condega tobaccos for a complex bittersweet palate stimulation.

  • Strength
  • 60x6
  • Nicaragua
  • 6"
  • RG 60
    Ring Gauge
  • :60
    Enjoyment Time
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This 100% puro cigar is a more intense sweet and bitter stimulation: the flavours of current Davidoff Nicaragua cigars are developed even further; strength and spiciness are increased due to the box pressed format. It’s a more extreme Davidoff Nicaragua adventure, but just as refined and pleasant, bringing uncharted territories of taste and stirring the senses of those who discover them. The spice has been boosted with a fiery Estelí Ligero leaf that complements aged Jalapa, Ometepe and Condega tobaccos for a complex bittersweet palate stimulation.


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