Taste experience
Crafted from tobaccos from Ecuador, Mexico and the Dominican Republic, this Robusto delivers a taste sensation characteristic of a true Maduro cigar. Particularly noteworthy is the pronounced influence of the Ecuadorian wrapper, resulting in a medium-intensity, sweet and creamy full-bodied taste of dark chocolate, honey and roasted nuts.
Story behind the cigar
A true Maduro is made of time. The time spent fermenting. The time spent ageing. The Davidoff Maduro Limited Release refines and redefines what a Maduro is and can be. 16 months of fermentation and 2 years of ageing of the special Ecuadorian wrapper resulted in a beautiful cigar that is sweeter, more sophisticated, and, most importantly, carries more flavour.
Discover The Maduro Limited Release
Taste experience
Crafted from tobaccos from Ecuador, Mexico and the Dominican Republic, this Robusto delivers a taste sensation characteristic of a true Maduro cigar. Particularly noteworthy is the pronounced influence of the Ecuadorian wrapper, resulting in a medium-intensity, sweet and creamy full-bodied taste of dark chocolate, honey and roasted nuts.
Story behind the cigar
A true Maduro is made of time. The time spent fermenting. The time spent ageing. The Davidoff Maduro Limited Release refines and redefines what a Maduro is and can be. 16 months of fermentation and 2 years of ageing of the special Ecuadorian wrapper resulted in a beautiful cigar that is sweeter, more sophisticated, and, most importantly, carries more flavour.
Discover The Maduro Limited Release